My take on the workshop: it was my first, as I don’t even consider myself a novice photographer, so I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I was anything but disappointed. In all regards it was fabulous! I highly recommend it and would love to do it again. Thank you, Cyndy and Nancy, for making this adventure something I’ll always look back on as one of the most exciting and fulfilling events of my life.
What I learned: People don’t change, only places. We need to look for more ways to love each other. When we take away the influence of the world and our own selfish ideas we have everything in common and nothing to bicker about.
What I brought away: I want to go back. – Bill Sorrell
About me: I’m a 67 year old country boy that has lived in a small town in middle Tennessee all of my life. I have 3 incredible children that I adore, and 4 beautiful grandchildren that call me “Mean Pa”…well, someone has to keep them in line. I am a retired general contractor that loves my God, my country, and living life.