South x Southeast celebrates its Sixth Anniversary July 1st with The Big Anniversary Issue! We wouldn’t be here with the Big Love you’ve shown us and we know it!! Thank you all so much.
Call for Submissions for Group Feature:

Photos much be either a) taken in the American South, or b) taken elsewhere by someone who resides in the American South. (We define the American South geographically as D.C. to Texas to Key West with Oklahoma and Missouri thrown in for good measure)
There is no charge.
The Call is open to photographers world-wide over the age of 18.
All genres and processes of photography are accepted.
All images should be submitted to
Subject line of email: Entry – Red
Images should not exceed 72 dpi or 1000 on the longest side.
ALL file names must include last name of photographer, first name of photographer, title of work – in that order
Example: mccrarynancy a hot summers day
Include in the body of the email:
Your name
Your contact information
Title(s) of work
And please tell us how you heard about this Call. Thank you!
Curator: Nancy McCrary, Founding Editor and Publisher, South x Southeast Magazine; Director, South x Southeast Exhibitions, South x Southeast Workshops, and South x Southeast photogallery.
DEADLINE: May 30th
Notification: June 15th
Chosen images will be shown in The Big Anniversary Issue, online July 1st.
Nancy McCrary
Nancy is the Publisher and Founding Editor of South x Southeast photomagazine. She is also the Director of South x Southeast Workshops, and Director of South x Southeast Photogallery. She resides on her farm in Georgia with 4 hounds where she shoots only pictures.