When I was a child, I often accompanied my grandfather on walks down the native wildflower trail in his garden. There he would pause, slowly bow over a plant and formally introduce us, always being sure to use the plant’s Latin name. It would be many years before I could understand the botanical names of plants, but I did fall in love with wildflowers on those walks.

In her 1893 book, To Know the Wild Flowers, Mrs. William Starr Dana refers to the many benefits of being on “a bowing acquaintance with flowers.” I know just what she means, only I like the entire plant – flowering or not, and in every season.
Plants have personality. And just as with people, if you take a bit of time to get to know them, you may be both surprised and delighted by what you discover. A Bowing Acquaintance with Plants is a series of black-and-white portraits in which I explore the unique characteristics that give plants their personality.—Lee Anne White
The beauty, essence and changing complexion of natural, designed and cultural landscapes captivate Lee Anne White. A landscape and garden photographer for more than 20 years, she has photographed more than 70 magazine features and served as a sole or major contributing photographer for more than 20 books. Her photographs have been exhibited in both solo and group shows, and she has taught at the Maine Media Workshops. Lee Anne is also the author of nine books and the former editor-in-chief of Fine Gardening magazine. She earned a master’s degree in Creative Studies at SUNY/Buffalo State and an undergraduate degree in Journalism, Broadcasting and Commercial Art at Brenau University. A North Georgia native, she currently lives and gardens in Cumming, Georgia.
Contact: www.leeannewhite.com
Nancy McCrary
Nancy is the Publisher and Founding Editor of South x Southeast photomagazine. She is also the Director of South x Southeast Workshops, and Director of South x Southeast Photogallery. She resides on her farm in Georgia with 4 hounds where she shoots only pictures.